- Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel process piping
- Low Temperature carbon piping
- Small and large bore piping fabrication
- Aluminum, stainless, and carbon steel fabrication
- Structural fabrication
- Equipment and vessel installation
- Hydraulic torquing
- Hot Tap Welding on small and large bore pipe
- Excavation
- Painting and Coating
- “R” Stamp Certified pressure vessel repair and alterations
- Concrete Piers & Foundations
- Pipe threading
- Right of Way Remediation & Restoration
- Carbon steel and stainless steel process piping
- Low Temperature carbon piping
- Small and large bore in service welding
- Structural fabrication
- R Stamp Certified for pressure vessel repair and alterations
- Certified Welders
- ASME 31.3
- ASME 31.4
- ASME 31.8
- API 1104
- ASME R Stamp
- On-staff Certified Weld Inspector